Saturday 25 May 2013

The Rise of UKIP

Ukips Policies

Lets Face it The Conservatives stopped being the conservatives when Maggie left. Maggie for all her faults stood up for those that wanted to work hard & reap the rewards, something she learnt from her hardworking father. She gave people like myself & millions of other working class hardworking people the chance to own our own home unheard of in areas like Catford, Lewisham & parts of Bromley where I grew up. In fact my father & mother worked hard providing healthy food and a decent childhood for my 4 siblings & I although we had nothing.This was in the days of the 3 day week caused by the striking miners who FYI more were put out of work & more mines were closed under Harold Wilson IE Labour than Under the conservatives. The Conservatives under Cameron the Eton educated never had a proper job posh bloke are a bunch of cowardly wet blankets. Then We have Mr Ed Millibland who just goes along with the popular consensus of the minute rather than making a decision based on facts or even his own convictions. The Labour Party whom have done more financial harm to this country while in power under Blair & Brown than 2 world wars ever did. Uncontrolled immigration & the worship at the feet of the EU dictatorship & the ECHR stopping us from deporting murderous criminals & rapists protecting their human rights instead of their victims. The Liar Blair gave up much of the rebate that Maggie clawed back from the EU. Maybe doing so to help get Himself the Presidency of the EU in the future something that up to now has cost us £10 billion. The same EU that costs us in Britain around £65 billion directly and indirectly every year and rising & doesn't include money paid to the IMF to Bail out EU countries . Then The Liberal Democrats run by another posh fella who like his Pal Cameron has also never had a proper job who only but for an under the table deal ended up as assistant Prime Minister. A man who held out for a deal with Labour for as long as possible before going with his second choice.A man who opposes everything Cameron tries to do just to oppose him like a petulant child. The whole gay marriage fiasco smokescreen that most voters including my gay friends don't care about either way. They promise a referendum after the next G.E well after our country has been overrun by Romanian Gypsies & Bulgarians taking what little low paid menial jobs are available because the minimum wage can be made up with benefits to send home just like the Polish did a few years ago taking the jobs that many young school leavers & uni students would have taken historically to survive. We have Scum Muslim extremists committing crimes in the name of Allah & Pakistani Muslim men raping & abusing young white girls all over the country while our police & politicians Apart from the disgusting BNP Leader Nick Griffin who exposed what was happening and was Branded racist, Deny that there is a problem.We are arming Muslim rebels to take over Egypt, Libya, Syria which will end up being more dangerous enemies than Saddam, Assad or Gaddafi ever where because rather than democracies evolving Groups like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will assume power & persecute non Muslims as is happening to the Coptic Christians that have lived in Egypt at peace for 2000 years. We do this while selling weapons to those we oppose or hate us see this. Countries we sell weapons too even Argentina.Most Brits with half a Brain can see that the 3 main Parties who are in Bed with the EU dictators in Brussels are not working for the good of Britain or its people & economy & Its those who are seeing that UKIP are the only party that do. Have a read of the website & listen to Some of Nigel's speeches, You may see many many of us are realising .

1 comment:

  1. So very true, the Conservatives stopping being conservative after the stabbed Maggie in the back over the same issues Nigel has been warning the public about, the EU & the euro.

    The Labourites are carbon copies of the Dems in the US and sellout Republicans.

    Very well presented with fine informative links!
