Sunday 26 May 2013

From My new website

Many People I know are surprised by my political leanings due to my background. My parents never voted, like many Jehovah's Witnesses they were told that by voting for earthly leaders we would be denying Christs leadership & Kingship. That being said I always knew my mothers thoughts. My mothers family were miners in Lancashire & her grandfather died from inhaling coal dust for many years. My mother detested Margaret Thatcher  due to the miners Strikes & closures. I personally liked Maggie even as a young lad. I was 12 years old when she became Britain's first female Prime Minister & I remembered the 3 day week due to the miners strikes & sitting with flickering candles in the house like in victorian times. In fact all I remember as a child was Labour Party meant strikes The winter of discontent springs to mind. Labour closed more mines than the conservatives.Take the myth that Thatcher was deeply unpopular. The truth is that she won 43.9 per cent of the vote in 1979, 42.4 per cent  in 1983 and 42.2 per cent in 1987 – landslide results of which  contemporary politicians can only dream.It took this from a Daily mail article
The Labour Party have caused more financial hardship for the working classes than any Conservatives. The gap between rich & poor is wider now than I can remember & this is thanks to Labour under Tony Blair & Gordon Brown. Tony Blair's constituency was Sedgefield covering the area I live in the North East. It is one of the poorest parts of the UK with some of the highest unemployment. Many of those people for some reason still vote Labour even though they have been shafted by them at every turn. Thanks To Tony Blair & Labour 's attempt at social engineering by allowing uncontrolled immigration many young people will be on benefits for many years to come & some will never have a decent paid job & will never own thier own home.Many of these young people are unable to read, write or even speak properly thanks to our education system which has to spend many hours teaching the immigrant Kids how to speak English. I will state to you here & now, I DO NOT BLAME THE IMMIGRANTS. Those same immigrants who are just looking for a better life need housing, Education, Healthcare including a GP place for thier families & dentists. Many will Blame Mrs Thatchers Government for the lack of social housing due to the right to buy act, however Labour had 13 years to build new social housing but chose not to. Why ? We are housing new arrivals in hotels & expensive million pound properties at the Taxpayers expense. We are paying around £85 billion a year to the EU plus money to the IMF to bail out failed EU countries like Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, Spain & Portugal & maybe France next. We are cutting our own services while paying into these money pits to appease & keep the EU failure going. Look at what the EU gravy chain takes from every citizen in Europe, do you think its right or fair ? Or keep paying when they leave or expenses.The fact that these EU commissioners cannot be held to account for their actions See the video. Its no different to the Communists ,Fascist & dictatorships that most of those on the EU were living under in the very near past. Is this good for Britain or the wider world? This is the reality of voting Labour , The Liberal Democrats & even the Conservatives holds for us in the future. I & many like me will do our utmost to end this Quasi dictatorship by voting for UKIP at every opportunity & expose the dangerous ambitions of Europe's ruling can follow my Blog 

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