Friday 23 March 2012

The Budget

No surprises for me in the budget robbing the hard working in our communities while putting more money in the pockets of the rich. The new 45p rate for top earners is great because any of those earning in excess of £150.000 will already have their avoidance in place all this new rate does is gives them more money to avoid paying tax on. Now don't get me wrong if i could afford to pay an accountant to save my money I would as I believe we all would given the opportunity.

First of all how can leaders who have never had a proper job empathise with the hard working among us. You see Dave is the son of a gambler sorry stockbroker and even blue blooded if wikipedia is correct. Like many in politics today Public school education and never had a job where there was any chance of getting their lillywhite hands dirty. The mantra of  "we are all in this together" is a joke. I cant go into work and demand they pay my travel costs, or pay for my breakfast and lunch and many MPs  claim  upto £400 a month for food alone. I cant afford to eat out at lunchtime so I bring a packed lunch so why cant our MP's do the same? They eat at subsidised restaurants worth up to £5.7m a year  . Do you think this is acceptable when we are losing our jobs and paying through the nose for everything ?
Are we really all in it together when for instance our Mp's can smoke inside but for smokers of which I am not one cannot.
They call us racists when we suggest that people from eastern Europe are taking many jobs at the expense of British people who want to work. But then our politicians are not having to compete with these Immigrants for their jobs.
They complain about those claiming benefits a situation that has been created by successive governments. Our politicians have created a dependency a bit like a drug dealer giving someone free drugs and then calling them a junkie when they need more. We have seen in the paper that young people will have to work until they are 80 years old before they can retire , is it any wonder? You have women getting pregnant year in and year out by different fathers and we have to support each child for the next 18 years.  The majority of these mothers of these kids will never ever work and the fathers are not seen for dust. The whole situation is unsustainable but nothing will be done because they are all potential state dependent voters.
On April the 6th we will be able to to earn £8,105 before we have to pay any tax then next April the amount rises to £9,205 which is nice but with a possible 2 budgets after yesterdays that will be clawed back in other taxes.
Petrol is already £1.40 a litre with another 3.2p in duty going on in august and that without more rises before then. Now for me this is not a problem as I neither need or want to own a car as I cycle 30 miles a day to work and back keeping me fit and healthy, however like benefits people are rightly or wrongly dependent on their cars.
I don't smoke either but nicotine this deadly legal drug the most addictive known to man is profited by the worlds governments  and an extra 37p on a pack will make a pretty penny for our government. I for one think this is obscene and belittles our governments claims to a war on drugs. 
I don't have any kids either so I personally don't want to pay for other peoples. Now telling those that pay a fortune in taxes ie those earning more than £50.000 a year that they will no longer be getting something THEY DO pay for is not the best way to motivate people to work hard.

My real problem though is the government we have in place. Now for me the name of the party is now irrelevant  Labour , Conservative Lib Dems are all the same which really explains the hung parliament at the election. Dave lets face it is just Tony B liar with a blue tie. The only reason he is prime minister is that Nick Clegg preferred to do an under the table deal with him instead of Gordon Brown and the Labour party. The truth of the matter is we trust none of them but in general the British electorate are cowards and will still vote for where their perceived class affiliation directs them or the party their Parents, Grandparents or great grandparents voted for. Until the electorate use their brains things will never change. The amount of people I know that say we need to be out of the EU which is costing us £50m a day and is basicly a dictatorship ruled over us by the Germans and to a smaller degree the French. The same germany that tried and failed thanks to millions of brave men and women to conquer us and the rest of Europe twice in the last hundred years with guns, bombs and tanks have now succeded with a pen. We in last few months have seen what this dictatorship has done in 2 countries Greece and Italy 2 elected officials removed and 2 Euro huggers put in their place. Why are we in general blind to these facts? Just like Britain they now have in place Unelected prime ministers. The Eu is an unelected body living off hard working Europeans suffering hardship while they eat and drink and Travel at the peoples expense. Once again just like our parliament they are allowed to smoke in the building but disallow ordinary smokers thruout Europe to do the same. Truly a dictatorship.
OUr citizens need to wake up and stop taking all this lying down , we as a nation need to take our country back before its too late.   

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