The UK government has procured £300 million pounds of Propaganda money from the EU to promote it to us before a Potential referendum that many of us with a modicum of intelligence do not believe will ever materialize.
Lets look at some evidence that would suggest the opposite of what we are being told about employment in the UK & the other European countries in the Euro for instance.
First of all I will also add this link to The commissions own info Just to be fair.
And Britains.
The worst unemployment is for those aged 16-24 in the UK is 22.4%.The Eurozone it is 23.8%.
The youth unemployment here in the UK will get even worse in January when there will be a massive influx of cheap Labour from Bulgaria & Romania. We don't know how many are coming but I would guess at maybe over the next year or so maybe 250.000. Our government is saying that not as many as the Polish influx over half a million in 8 years.
I Beg to differ as the minimum wage in Poland is more than double that of Romania & nearly 3 times that of Bulgaria. This is the list of minimum wages as of 2010.
Our UK minimum wage is more than 10 times that of those countries.
Another thing to remember is that many Polish people are claiming child benefit for children that do not even live here & send it back to Poland. Do you think for even a millisecond that Bulgarians & Romanians have not heard of this?
When these people do come here they will happily live just like the first Poles who lived 10 people to a house & take minimum wage jobs that just a few years ago our school leavers would take on the first step of the working ladder. IE bar work, Waiting jobs & hotel cleaners, Cleaning jobs & so on. Our wonderful leaders & other Pro European commentators like to tell us that our kids are lazy & lack motivation to work. This is more Propaganda led by the likes of the Labour party who have spent the last 50 years undermining the working classes in Britain while forcing through an open door immigration policy.
When I left school in 1983 my first job was washing pots in a Turkish owned Burger bar in Bromley Kent. I didn't really like the job & was hardly in my career dream jobs but it was that all important first job & unlike Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nick Clegg & Ed Milliband who have never had proper jobs & born with silver spoons I needed to pay my way.
Our leaders Like Cameron ,Clegg & Milliband Never(nor will their Children) have to compete with Immigrants for jobs housing or doctors,dentists or school places.
What of the scaremongering of the pro EU brigade about jobs being lost. Well in the 70 my grandparents generation voted for a Common Market trade agreement see read this as well
The EU we see today is as a result of the lisbon Treaty
Do you believe that by leaving the EU the member states will say ? No we don't want to buy or sell with you any more. We don't want to profit by running your Water ,Gas or electric companies. We don't want to profit from your rail or bus services. We don't want to sell you our food Beer or cars.
Our government & the EU would have you believe this to continue the gravy train for the likes of Germany with its 5% unemployment. The EU superstate cost Brits like You & I £65 billion a year some people believe its more like £110 billion & we get a lot less in return for our investment than many countries in the EU.
All in all we must not be conned into staying part of this failed project to rule Europe with as was wanted by the Germans in 2 world wars which failed due to the courage of our US allies & fellow European countries. We must not allow ourselves to be manipulated into staying part of the the ECHR which allows criminals to escape punishment & extradition, costing us millions & allowing Murderers & rapists to stay putting our families at risk.
None of us have voted for it and was forced through by Gordon the Moron Brown on his way to bankrupting Britain.
We want Out of the EU superstate now We want a referendum & we want it NOW.
The Only way to get a vote or to get out is to vote UKIP at every opportunity.